Hate case

Zagreb 2020: “Kill the Serb” football fan song still in use

14.09.2024  |  Croatia  |  Submitted by: Serb National Council, Croatia

Country                                         Croatia

Year                                               2020

Affected group/minority            Serbian minority

Perpetrator                                 Bad Blue Boys, a football supporters' organization

Type of case                                  Hate speech

Type of act                                    Written attack

Media:                                           Online platforms and/or communication channels

Reactions:                                    The public and politicians condemned the event. The police detained                                                               several perpetrators


Brief description:          

In June 2020, a group of 15 young men – members of the Bad Blue Boys football fans group – publicly displayed next to the message threatening sexual violence against Serbian women and children the poster with symbols associated with the Independent State of Croatia, a WWII fascist puppet state. Holding lit torches, HOS*, and Ustasha flags they were singing the “Kill, kill the Serb”-song (a popular one among football fans for the past 30 years) and displaying a banner that “We will f*** Serbian women and children”. Alarmed by the neighbours, the police came to Kustošijanska Street to restore the public order but the fans were already gone.

The passing-by sports photojournalist Nikola Šolić took several pictures of the group because of the song they were shouting. However, after posting them on social media, the public reaction made him realise the statement on the banner.

The police after the public reaction and thanks to the pictures managed to identify and detain four of the members of the BBB group.

Numerous Croatian politicians reacted to the banner. Former Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor announced on social networks: "In a country that presides over the EU, fans hideously threaten children and women belonging to a national minority with a fascist salute that some officials claim has 'double connotations' and can be used exceptionally. Shameful. Everything."

The Prime Minister of 2020 Mr. Andrej Plenković also condemned the event, although trying to ignore the hate speech content: "I strongly condemn anything like that, I did not see what it was about, there is no place for it in public space. It is unacceptable and there is no dilemma," he said.


*Croatian Defense Forces (HOS) - 1990s paramilitary structure


More information on the case can be obtained from:



Photo: Nikola Šolić @ index.hr











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