Country Poland
Year 2015
Affected group/minority German minority
Perpetrator Polish citizen
Type of case Hate speech
Type of act Verbal
Media: Physical interaction
Reactions: Complaint filed with the District Attorney's Office
Brief description:
During the performance of the cultural group of the German minority at the fourth autumn fair, "Heimatgeschmack", in Opole Krappitz, the accused interrupted the performance. They forbade its continuation due to the language in which it was held. He publicly insulted underage representatives of the German minority by saying, "This is Poland," and he did not want it.
Various media outlets publicized the case, and the company released a statement and filed a complaint with the District Attorney's Office. However, the investigations were discontinued on the grounds that the act did not constitute a criminal offence.
More information on the case can be obtained from:
and from the Social-Cultural Society of Germans in Opole, Silesia,
Screenshot provided by SKGD