Country Poland
Year 2018
Affected group/minority German minority
Perpetrator Hanna Bem
Type of case Hate speech
Type of act Written attack
Media: Online platforms and/or communication channels
Reactions: Public authorities rejected to react
Brief description:
On 26.03.2018, SKGD filed a suspicion against Ms. Hanna Bem with the District Prosecutor's Office.
The reason was a letter sent to SKGD, in which Ms Bem wrote:
"Nazi scum of the Nazi mafia Gestapo and SS - their anti-Polish Nazi poison dwarf, disappear once and for all from our holy Polish land. You murdered my grandparents, and there is no place for you, you German Gestapo people, on the holy Polish soil. For the cult of the criminal Hitler, you, degenerate Szkops, were to be put in front of a firing squad and shot. My father shot down the Nazi scum from your Waffen-SS. And so it should be everywhere in Poland, our Polish riot police will see to it that your Gestapo Nazism is liquidated. And German Nazis will hang from the trees instead of leaves."
On 20.04.2018, SKGD received a message from the city police department that the investigation would be extended because additional actions had to be carried out. A month later, however, in May 2018, the organisation received a provision in which the District Prosecutor's Office refused to open an investigation because the act “did not have the characteristics of a criminal offence.”
More information on the case can be obtained from:
Social-Cultural Society of Germans in Opole, Silesia
Screenshot provided by SKGD